Product Description

Real-Time Electromagnetic-Wave Measurement System

Overview of real-time electromagnetic-wave measurement system

Device overview

The real-time electromagnetic-wave measurement system is a device for the general public’s understanding of electromagnetic fields and for the promotion of such fields. It measures the magnetic field of 60 Hz extremely-low-frequency waves in real time under the power line transmission tower where there is a high general-public traffic and displays it on the LED signboard. At the same time, it compares the real-time electromagnetic-field measurement values with the domestic and foreign standard values and with the average electromagnetic-field measurement values of various electronic products to inform the general public of the electromagnetic-field environments around power lines, with a view to enabling the general public to overcome their vague fear of electromagnetic fields. This system is installed and operated at power line transmission towers with a high general-public traffic.

Expected effects

By measuring the electromagnetic-field environments in residential areas near a power line or in areas where civil complaints have been filed due to a power line to determine the present electromagnetic-field exposure situation, it can resolve the doubts of the residents and civil petitioners about electromagnetic fields.

The measurement of magnetic fields around power lines and the recording of magnetic-field measurements inside factories, power plants, and substations can be expected to contribute to the understanding and purification of electromagnetic environments.

제품 사양
Product name Contents and features
Real-Time Electromagnetic-Wave Display Device (MagDis)

A real-time electromagnetic-field display device that measures and analyzes the 60 Hz extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields generated from power facilities in real time and displays them on the LED signboard

Measures and displays 60 Hz extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields

Displays the domestic and foreign electromagnetic-field standard values and real-time magnetic-field measurement values and posts the current time received from GPS and a phrase comparing the measurement values with the average measurement value of electronic products

Features of real-time electromagnetic-wave measurement system and installation diagrams

1.Type A – Steel-tower-mounted type

Steel-tower-mounted type installation projection drawing and actual installation photos

Examples of sentences displayed on the LED signboard

Outward-appearance specifications (LED electronic display)

Outward-appearance specifications (electronic measuring device)

Outward-appearance specifications (notice)

Features of real-time electromagnetic-wave measurement system and installation diagrams

2. Type B - Pillar-mounted type

Pillar-mounted type installation projection drawing and actual installation photos

Examples of sentences displayed on the LED signboard

Outward-appearance specifications (LED electronic display)

Outward-appearance specifications (electromagnetic-field measurement device)

Outward appearance specifications (electromagnetic-field measurement device)

Outward-appearance specifications (notice)

Features of real-time electromagnetic-wave measurement system and installation diagrams

3. Type C - Stand type

Steel-tower-mounted type installation projection drawing and actual installation photos

Examples of sentences displayed on the LED electronic display

Outward-appearance specifications (LED electronic display)

Outward-appearance specifications (notice)